Air Force Challenge Coins
Challenge coin collecting is a growing hobby today because people have discovered unlimited resources via the internet and beyond. You can shop online, at auctions, garage sales, yard sales, flea markets, and even thrift shops. There are many different ways to grow your collection. If you love to collect challenge coins, you may find that there are countless groups and branches of the military that use these challenge coins to give to each participant in a particular group.
Military challenge coins are harder to find than other branches because the soldiers held on to them once they were issued. This is mainly due to military challenge coins presented once a battle had been fought or after an important task had been accomplished. The United States Air Force challenge coins are a good place to start with any challenge coin collection because they have so much to offer.
If you want to collect United States Air Force challenge coins, you want to collect the ones from the 21st Mission Support Squadron. The unit also provides other services such as supplying orderlies to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) at Cheyenne Mountain near Colorado Springs. This particular squadron had several responsibilities that included education, supporting the family, information management, and Airman Leadership School. The name of the unit is right on the front of the challenge coin so you will know exactly where the coin came from.
The United States Armed Forces have made popular challenge coins that you can seek out, admire, keep in your pocket, or start a collection. These coins are not only easy to carry in your pocket but they are a part of military heritage as we know it today.
Today, a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy will receive their challenge coins upon graduation. If a soldier is killed in the line of duty, these challenge coins are then given to the widow so she or he can always remember their part in the services.
When a serviceman completes basic training he also receives a challenge coin. It may be blank on one side, or display his rank or branch of service.
Today, challenge coins are made from different types of metals that range from the original bronze to silver.
The United States Air Force offers a beautiful collection of challenge coins that are given to men and women who prove themselves by completing a significant task, graduation, or performing beyond their regular duties. Once you find a USAF coin, you will want to seek out others to start and grow your collection.